Land Trusts

Land trusts are abundant in our state preserving properties of all sizes from development.  There are 117 land trusts in Connecticut protecting 190,550 acres of land for hiking and recreation, ecological buffer zones, wildlife habitat, and undeveloped spaces. As of 2024 there are

  • 89 single town land trusts
  • 22 multi-town/regional
  • 6 statewide

Land trusts are mostly non-profit and community based, seeking to preserve the forests, river corridors, farmland, watersheds, marshes, scenic vistas, and hiking trails in a given town or region.  Land Trust are also largely volunteer operated and are a great way to get involved in your area.

A complete directory courtesy of the Connecticut Land Conservation Council can be found here:

Currently only the largest and regional land trusts are listed here.  As this site continues to develop I hope this page will provide a more polished and complete representation of Connecticut’s land trusts.

Harvey Preserve


68 Federal Road, Chaplin, CT, USA

Harvey Preserve Joshua’s Trust 64 acres in Chaplin, CT Parking: Small lot near 68 Federal Rd, Chaplin, CT Trail Map          Trails: 1.4 miles …

McCann Family Farm


734 Main St, Somers, CT 06071, USA

McCann Family Farm Northern CT Land Trust 84 acres in Somers, CT Parking: Medium sized lot near 734 Main St, Somers, CT Trail Map       …

Ecker Hill


777 Hartford Turnpike, Vernon, CT, USA

Ecker Hill / Eckers Pond Vernon Town Park and Northern CT Land Trust 86 acres in Vernon, CT Parking: Medium lots up the hill near 777 Hartford…

Billings Trail


155 Ashpohtag Rd, Norfolk, CT 06058, USA

Billings Trail / Stoney Lonesome Trail in North Canaan and Norfolk, CT Parking: Small pull-off near 155 Ashpohtag Rd, Norfolk, CT Trail Map     Trails: 1.5 miles …

Harrison Farm Preserve


95 North St, North Branford, CT, USA

Harrison Farm Preserve North Branford Land Trust acres in North Branford, CT Parking: Small lot near 95 North St, North Branford, CT Trail Map       …

Farm Creek Preserve


34 Sammis St, Norwalk, CT

Farm Creek Preserve Norwalk Land Trust 16 acres in Norwalk, CT Parking: Shoulder parking near 34 Sammis St, Norwalk, CT Trail Map          Trails:…

Mine Hill Preserve


42 Mine Hill Rd, Roxbury, CT, USA

Mine Hill Preserve Roxbury Land Trust 360 acres in Roxbury, CT Parking: Small pull-off near 42 Mine Hill Rd, Roxbury, CT Trail Map         Trails:…

Kathan Woods


25 Boardman Dr, Prospect, CT, USA

Kathan Woods Prospect Land Trust 82.1 acres in Prospect, CT Parking: Cul-de-sac near 25 Boardman Dr, Prospect, CT Trail Map      Trails: Less than a mile …

Mary Moore Preserve


24 Williams Rd, Sharon, CT 06069

Mary Moore Preserve Sharon Land Trust 181 acres in Sharon, CT Parking: Small lot near 24 Williams Rd, Sharon, CT Trail Map          Trails:…

Mallory Schneckenburger Preserve


9 CT-39, Sherman, CT, USA

Mallory and Schneckenburger Preserves Northwest Connecticut Land Conservancy 120 acres in Sherman, CT Parking: Small lots near 9 CT-39, Sherman, CT Trail Map         …