Nedwied Conservation Area

Tolland Conservation Area

15 acres in Tolland, CT

Parking: Shoulder parking between 106 and 116 Fox Ridge Lane Tolland, CT

Trail Map          Trails: Less than a mile     Rating: ★★☆☆☆

The Nedwied Conservation Area has a .85 mile yellow blazed loop that is part of the Willimantic River Greenway.  It connects southbound to the King Riverside Conservation Area.

The trail starts off at the back of private property along Fox Ridge Lane, there is a narrow easement between houses, but the sign was missing on my latest visit in 2022 making the access difficult to spot.  The backside of the loop along Newcomb Brook is beautiful but rarely traveled.

From the town’s site,

“The southern parcel is 4 acres that was obtained as subdivision set-aside in March of 2001. It is 430 feet above sea level in its southwest corner, sloping down to 360 feet above sea level at Newcomb Brook, then increasing back up to 410 feet above sea level as the property follows the old Nedwied Road northward… The northern parcel is 11 acres that was purchased from the Claude W. and Sandra M. Blackington Trust in June of 2015, using Town of Tolland passive open space bond funds. The land is flat with a gradual sloping downwards towards Newcomb Brook. There are many stone walls that form the boundaries of this parcel and also cross the interior. There is a stone foundation along one of these walls. Along another stone wall is a circular stone construct.”

This property is also part of the Willimantic River Trail that runs from Mansfield to Tolland.  Heading south, it passes through the above mentioned King Riverside and heading north is a road walk to River Park in Tolland.


Established as a conservation area in 2001 with an addition in 2015.


Willimantic River Hiking Trail

The information shown here is for general reference purposes only. gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of this data. Parking in all areas, whether designated here or not, is at your own risk. is not responsible for any damage or loss to vehicles or contents.
Last updated July 15, 2018

Visited 1756 times, 1 Visits today

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