Yale Forest: Eastford Road
in Ashford, CT
- North end: Small pull-off near 253-77 Boston Hollow Rd Ashford, CT
- South end: Shoulder parking near 215-31 Eastford Rd, Ashford, CT
Trail Map Trails: 1.6 miles Rating: ★★☆☆☆
This section is pretty straightforward climbing up to a ridge, crossing an old woods road with an impressive rock formation, and a steep climb up what must be Turkey Hill.
The trail then passes through mountain laurel and marsh to descend a steep wooden stairway to Boston Hollow Rd. Into the steps has been carved “By now you are visiting a place that you see all too infrequently yet it is a major part of who you are”.
Previous Section: Pixie Falls — 2.1 miles
Next Section: Yale Forest: Boston Hollow — 4.2 miles
CTMQ – Nipmuck Trail: Section 3
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Last updated June 7th, 2020
Visited 2479 times, 2 Visits today