1,200 acres in Guilford, CT
- Small lot near 1 Sam Hill Rd, Guilford, CT
- Small lot near 582 Dunk Rock Rd, Guilford, CT
- Shoulder parking near 1070 Moose Hill Rd Guilford, CT
Trail Map Trails: 20+ miles Rating: ★★★★☆
While I’ve been to Westwoods multiple times, I have nowhere near scratched the surface of what it has to offer. So unfortunately this is an incomplete guide.
Let’s start with what I know. I usually start my hikes from the Sam Hill Rd entrance. Trails head towards views of Lost Lake and following the white trail along the water provides several culminating in the Lost Lake Overlook. The orange trail leads off into the woods from here following a line of ridges with a couple “caves”.
Beyond the orange trail I’ve done mixes of the green, yellow, and purple but none of them are distinct in my memory. What I do remember is that the network feels complex and a trail map definitely comes in handy.
I have yet to explore any of the trails on the western side.
Mountain Biking
The orange circle trail is the popular mountain biking trail here based on where I’ve seen bikes. Probably only about half the trails here are suitable/mtb is allowed.
The first seven miles of the Westwoods trail system were blazed in 1966.
- Peter Marteka – Westwoods: A Daunting But Highly Rewarding Experience Along The Shoreline (2012)
- Mountain Bike Project – Westwoods
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Last updated 2018
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