Two Sisters Tract
40 acres in Chaplin, CT
Parking: Shoulder parking along busy Rt. 6 just northeast of 231 Willimantic Rd, Chaplin, CT
Trail Map Trails: 1 mile Rating: ★★☆☆☆
The Two Sisters Tract is a short loop that begins just after crossing the Air Line Trail just off Rt 6. Joshua’s Trust advises that hikers wear orange as the surrounding lands are actively hunted. The loop trail can be accessed from the trailhead on the shoulder of Rt. 6 or from either end of this section of the Air Line Trail.
This was formerly a heavily forested property dotted with glacial erratics and old stonewalls. While you’ll still run into some of the stonewalls the character of this hike changed dramatically in the summer of 2019 when it was logged due to extensive gypsy moth and invasive damage. This active management was entirely beneficial for the long term health of the forest and created plenty of habitat in the short term.
I re-hiked this property in 2021 and the regrowth in just two years has been substantial. I plan on rehiking every five years to watch this forest regrow. Be sure to check out the video below for the latest update.
The backside of the loop notes a viewpoint on the trail map thought this is just a rocky ledge looking off south into the forest.
Preserved in 2001 by two sisters, Elaine Mrosek and Josephine Krikorian, the land contains typical New England stone walls. The property was closed from May-July of 2019 to conduct extensive forest management. Many trees were removed during this time due to invasive species and gypsy moth damage.
- CTMQ – JT: Two Sisters Preserve (2021)
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Last updated September 2nd, 2021
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