Strong Preserve
53 acres in Warren, CT
Parking: Shoulder parking near 62 Above All Rd, Warren, CT
Trail Map Trails: 1 mile Rating: ★★☆☆☆
I tacked this short loop hike on after visiting the underwhelming Above All State Park. Shoulder parking is a little rough here with not much room on the shoulder but thankfully Above All road is a dead end that has few cars. It is a pleasant little loop that immerses you in forest.
The trail starts immediately behind the trailhead sign heading down what was undoubtably the former driveway of this property now quite overgrown. The trail quickly splits crossing the standard rocky rooty forested terrain. Pass through a stone wall and alongside another as the loop begins to turn back.
The trail descends towards a marshy area but it had been so dry in my summer 2022 visit that I could barely tell. The loop completes next to where the house must have stood, though all I saw was the telephone pole that must have held up its power lines.
Preserved in 2015 when it was purchased by the trust, it is named in honor of the Strong family, which once owned the property and has deep historical roots in Warren.
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Last updated August 12th, 2022
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