Mountain Laurel Sanctuary
337 acres in Union, CT
Parking: Shoulder parking on Snow Hill Rd, Union, CT
Trail Map Trails: Less than a mile Rating: ★★☆☆☆
The Mountain Laurel Sanctuary is absolutely beautiful during peak foliage (late-June to early July) and I would guess most visitors drive the 0.75 mile dirt road in, take in the sights, turn around at the end, and drive back out. There are also a number of small picnic areas along the road.
The other option is to park near the entrance and walk the road in which would be really nice on a quiet day (but you’d likely eat dust from cars on a busy day). At the turn around at the end is a gated road (open seasonally) that you could use to extend your hike. It eventually leads to the Rt. 190 though a mile away from the main entrance.
In all, not a ton to see but a nice drive in and out. You could get out of your car and walk the road and perhaps up the comm tower, but that’s the extent of hiking I’m aware of at the Sanctuary.
The Mountain Laurel Sanctuary began “as a beautification project of the Civilian Conservation Corps” by the men of Camp Graves in 1935.
CTMQ – Mountain Laurel Sanctuary (2018)
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Last updated June 13th, 2021
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