Mount Higby
Blue Blaze Trail and The Nature Conservancy
in Middlefield and Middletown, CT
- Middle: Shoulder parking at the end of Preston Ave, Meriden, CT
- South End: Medium sized lot near Rt 66/Meriden Rd, Middlefield, CT
Trail Map Trails: 2 miles Rating: ★★★★☆
Mount Higby alos know as Higby Mountain offers fantastic views west from its traprock ridges. Trailed almost entirely by the blue blaze Mattabesett Trail and the cliffs are part of the Metacomet Ridge. The land is preserved in part by the state with a parcel of the Cockaponset State Forest, The Nature Conservancy, and the CFPA.
This section of the blue blaze Mattabesett Trail, part of the 235 mile New England Trail, comes from crossing Rt. 66 next to New Guida’s restaurant (with “world famous” hotdogs) over to a parking area trailhead and then works up a steep very rocky climb to the ridge. While it is only 0.4 miles from the parking area to the first overlook, the traprock covering the trail and the rocky climbs make this a bit more of challenge.
It doesn’t seem to deter many on these well-worn trails as the views are more than worth it. A first partial overlook has views south to Black Pond and after another up and down reaches the first real set of views west over Meriden. There is well over 1000′ of exposed ridge line with the trail right up against the drop in parts and veering off into the bushes in others.
The trail then descends off the first ridge into Preston Notch with access down to the middle parking area at Preston Ave. There is a small cascade over a series of rock ledges on what appears to a pretty regular seasonal stream.
The trail then begins to climb again up to Camel’s Hump. Though less exposed here there are still 2-3 great viewpoints though much closer to I-91 and its traffic noise. The trail follows the ridge above the highway rest area before descending off the back side crossing into Middletown’s Wesleyan Woods.
Heading north: Wesleyan Woods Conservation Area
Heading south: Black Pond
- The Nature Conservancy – Higby Mountain Preserve
- Peter Marteka – Hitting The Higby Heights (2010)
- CTMQ – Mattabesett Trail: Section 2 (2008)
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Last updated January 19th, 2023
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