Milo Appley Conservation Showcase

Brooklyn Town Park

in Brooklyn, CT

Parking: Small lot behind the UCONN Extension Center 139 Wolf Den Rd, Brooklyn, CT

Trail Map        Trails: No trails      Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

The conservation showcase wasn’t much of a showcase on my last visit in summer 2018.  I hiked down the access road into the open fields passing through the knee high grass.  I’d guess that the fields are actively hayed, but I’m not certain.

I first sought out the lone spur trail heading over the bridge east.  The trail is easy to find though nearly completely overgrown and the views are just of the marsh.

All the other trails are blocked by thick tangles of invasives at the edges of the fields.  I pushed through the bittersweet, poison ivy, and grape vine to find the faint path at the southwest end of the property.  It follows the high edge of the bank turning off uphill and getting lost in the undergrowth.  I think there is potential here if the trails were restored, though aside from Prince Hill Park most of Brooklyn’s town trails are forgotten like this one.



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Last updated August 5th, 2018

Visited 1480 times, 4 Visits today

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