Nipmuck Woods
Northern Connecticut Land Trust
79 acres in Stafford, CT
Parking: Medium sized pull-off near 207 CT-190, Stafford Springs, CT
Trail Map Trails: 2 miles Rating: ★★★☆☆
The Nipmuck Woods trail system has grown and developed over the last few years to provide a great hike in an area with few other options. These deep woods adjacent to Nipmuck State Forest have two loop options highlighted by large erratics, forested ridges, and an optional story walk poem.
- White – Nipmuck Adventure Path – 0.7 miles
- This trail was the first developed on the property in May of 2021 and is meant to be hiked clockwise, staying close to Rt 190 for the first stretches and a storywalk poem called ‘A Rock Story’. The trail leads you to the first erratic on the property with a natural wood bench. The trail then climbs uphill through mountain laurel to reach the second erratic a large hulking split thing that has long carried a series of live trees and ferns growing from it. The loop completes by climbing a bit more and descending back to the parking area.
- Red – Woodland Trail – 0.8 miles
- The red trail, developed in 2022, bisects the white loop to climbs up through rocky terrain close to some kind of ridge summit on the property though it never quite provides a view. It then descends into a pine valley at the edge of the property before switchbacking up onto another ridge and navigating it’s spine. The backside of the loop has a connection to the green trail (the proposed trail on the map) before following an old woods road and climbing again to rejoin the white loop.
- Green – Fenton Road Trail – 0.5 miles
- Shown as the ‘proposed trail’ on the map above this trail was developed in 2023 and provides access down to Fenton Road accessing the Nipmuck State Forest at the corner of the property.
The land trust acquired the property in 2017.
- CTMQ – Nipmuck Woods (2024)
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Last updated November 25th, 2024
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