Batz Property

Ellington Town Park

44.86 acres in Ellington, CT

Parking: Small lot near 97 Shenipsit St, Ellington, CT

Trail Map        Trails: 1.1 miles       Rating: ★★☆☆☆

Ellington’s Batz Property is a nice short loop hike and the property features a community garden, pollinator pathways, a sledding hill, a small pond, and a small amphitheatre.


From the parking area the trail heads down a gated gravel road past a very small pond with a viewing/(fishing?) platform.  Past the pond fields open up on either side and you can take any of the three directions.  I continued straight up the hill between the two fields and at the top of the hill turned right.  The field to the right appears to be a pretty popular sledding hill in the winter and there is a small amphitheater nears its base.

The trail continues until it hits a stonewall and turns uphill once more for steep climb halfway up to the ridge.  The trail turns at the property line and you’ll be tempted to climb to the top of the ridge for the view on the other side, but there isn’t one.  There does appear to be a path at the top of the ridge, but it’s all private property.

The trial sidles along the edge of this hill until reaching another trail junction.  I continued west on the blue trail to keep on the outside loop, skirting near a couple houses.  The trail turns again crossing a wet area passing a picturesque old oak surrounded by rocks.

The trail curves along Turkey Brook and a small uniquely constructed bridge does not continue trails and only leads to more private property.

The loop completes through the second field which has latrine toilets and a large fire pit used by area Scouts.


Permission Required. Complete “Town Property Use Application” and, if applicable, “Campfire/Bonfire Application” found online at under “I WANT TO” tab or call 860-870-3100


The property was willed to the town in 1993 by Charles Batz and his sister Emma Batz.  The land had previously been used by the family for farming and they both wanted to it to remain undeveloped.  The trailhead kiosk provides a more detailed history as well as photos.  There is also a small memorial plaque at the entrance.

Charles Batz served as Democratic Deputy Registrar from 1923-35, as Democratic Registrar from 1935-39, served as Justice of the Peace 1945-65, and was instrumental in helping to organize the first town fire company in 1928 and the American Legion Hatheway-Miller Post 62. He also served in the army during World War I, in France as a member of Company E 328th Infantry Regiment, 82nd Division.

Emma Batz was on the board of directors of St. Luke Roman Catholic Church and a volunteer at Rockville General Hospital. She also served as secretary on the board of education during the 1940s and 1950s and was later active in the Better Age Club.

The 1997-98 town budget requested $16,200 to demolish the structures on the property and I believe later the house.


The information shown here is for general reference purposes only. gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of this data. Parking in all areas, whether designated here or not, is at your own risk. is not responsible for any damage or loss to vehicles or contents.
Last updated: February 19th, 2024

Visited 14621 times, 5 Visits today

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