Wilcox Woods Conservation Area
151 acres in Middletown, CT
Parking: Small pull off near 313 Footit Dr, Middletown, CT
Trail Map Trails: 2.1 miles Rating: ★★☆☆☆
I hiked Wilcox Woods as part of my northbound hike on the New England Trail, choosing the quiet Footit Rd parking over the shoulder parking near Highland Pond.
From the parking area I took the white trail towards Atkins Road through tall pines and a quiet forest floor of needles. The trail passes and unexpected crashed old car, perhaps even American muscle. Just below Atkins Road the white trail meets the blue blaze Mattabesett Trail coming in from the road.
I followed the trail west through more pines and beginning to gently climb across the property. After a brief hook to the right on an old woods road you continue west once again until reaching a rocky gorge. The trail does not cross the gorge, but instead follows its edge for quite some time as it enters Giuffrida Park. There were 2-3 sections of questionable blazing (likely once you enter Giuffrida Park) but with a little poking around you’ll find the right path.
I didn’t have a chance to explore the red trail, but this is definitely a property I would hike often if I lived nearby.
Heading north: Giuffrida Park
Heading south: 0.4 mile road walk from Highland Pond
The town acquired the property in 2003.
- Rockfall Foundation – Off the Beaten Path: Wilcox Conservation Area
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Last updated October 18th, 2024
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